Thursday, 29 October 2015


Currently in the midst of preparing for Finals, fast approaching in 3 weeks times.

These 2 weeks are my hell week, with 3 Written Reports to submit, 3 Presentations on-going, and 3 Tests.

Well, I think that I have better manage my stress level compared to Year 1.


I recall exactly one year ago, how I was constantly worried about grades. How I was constantly worried that one bad test would affect my future. How one day of unproductivity work add onto the compiling workload. Yet, I managed to pass the first semester with results better than expected.

Come Semester 2, I think I have given myself too much lax. It was in a way, self-consoling that I shouldn't place so much pressure on myself. Maybe I really didn't. It caused my grades to landslide. Yet, whenever I thought I was the only guy deep in the sinkhole, I realise that there are many people who are in the same situation as me.

Many of us are still struggling to find out how University works.

Personally, I feel that University is an amazing place to observe how people work.

Many a times I wonder, why is this guy able to join a school committee with a high post, participate in 3 hall activities, give tuition weekly, and yet continue achieving good grades? I am always constantly looking Up. I think this is the reason why so many people are constantly pressurized and stressed out in the society. 

We are constantly comparing ourselves with people who are better. However, we take little time to look Down. How many people are below us? How many people who are trying to be in the stage that we are in, yet are unable to do so because of personal incapability, or other issues?

We forget to look Around Us. How many people are striving as hard as you do, and feeling the same way as you do. 

Nonetheless, we cannot forget the bunch that are forever happy. It's not that they don't give a hoot about their results. Who wants to aim for a C grade? Who wants to always be at the bottom of the food chain? When I spoke to people about this, many of them can just brush off the topic about pressurising themselves. All of them replied me with the same phrase, "I have tried my best".

There is no meaning in continually competing yourself with others. Everyone is structured differently. Everyone has a different purpose in life. Everyone has different life experiences. Everyone has different motivation.

What is important, I have learnt thus far, is to continue doing my best, compare only with myself, and have no regrets.  

WHO SAYS paper qualification determines who you are?

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