Saturday, 7 September 2013

Hi guys!

Met my best friends ( You know my best best best friends are all split and located around the world -__- ) yesterday at Simpang Bedok! It was impromptu.  They whatsapp-ed me at 8pm said they are meeting, and expect me to be there. 

Yina Dale:  "XJ, you cab here. First time you can use money to buy precious friendship time."

HAHAHAHAH. The best jokes that never fail to make me cringe in laughter. 

Anyway, I left NeeSoon slightly after 9pm and arrived in time to meet them!


The course I am currently attending is really mentally draining! Sometimes i wonder if it was tougher studying now, or was it tougher during A Levels. 

15mins Lecture, 2hrs to prepare for presentation, 4hrs presentation.

Nvm, at least i am learning something which is applicable. I just cannot contemplate WHY must we study A Level subjects which we will totally NOT USE AT ALL IN THE FUTURE. 

Physics, Chemistry, Maths...

Ok, it is good for knowledge and work. But...Basic understanding is needed only right? I think it is more relevant to focus and concentrate on what you wanna accomplish. If it's an accountant and you need certain algorithm to deduce formula, study what is relevant which you can apply! Otherwise, why waste plenty of precious time to be an expert in something for a short period (EXAM PERIOD), and totally forget everything, which 90% of the knowledge will not be thought through again and slowly fade away. 

Maybe its because my younger sis (studying for her A's) just asked me a simple maths question, which i cannot remember for NUTS!

That is why i am looking forward to Uni studying. In my perspective, it is definitely more focused teaching, providing you the necessary knowledge for the course that you applied. Nevertheless, the school platform only provides you knowledge. I have always been an avid believer in experience and practical skills, which can only be gained through internships or working. 

Anyway, I believe that most people have a different motivation to keep them going at different phases of life. At this current phase, whats keeping me strong going is the BANGKOK trip next month!!! Yes, decided to postpone my HANOI trip because air tickets were all sold for the period intended to travel!

Travelling is always a joyous occasion, even if i just think about it  :)

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