Had been watching a Taiwan food programme yesterday and heard this term "Mid Life Crisis", leading to a "Mid Life Career Switch".
Let's take a deeper understanding and find out more about this term.
From an online article, the definition of Mid Life Crisis is as such:
'A midlife crisis is experienced between the ages of 40 and 60. It was first identified by the psychologist Carl Jung and is a normal part of the maturing process. Most people will experience some form of emotional transition during that time of life. A transition that might cause them to take stock in where they are in life and make some needed adjustments to the way they live their life.'
Okay, so why am i, at the current age of 20 and still serving NS, thinking about my life 20 years later, and moreover, talking about Mid Life Crisis?
I have many friends who have directly or indirectly tell me about their family issues. More than often, it is due to loss of job, leading to a Mid Life Crisis. Most resorted to a career switch, which usually leads to a definite decrease in income from their last drawn cheque. Many has since changed their lifestyle, where eating out has not become as frequent, and overseas trips have greatly decreased.
Relationships between family members will definitely be affected. Yet, there are 2 outcomes; Either for the 1. better, or for the 2. worse.
1. For the Better:
Family members continue supporting and encouraging whoever is facing a terrible issue. (Worse case scenario of not having a proper income for 1 year) This situation would be ideal, where families are always there for one another, and because of this issue; a. Have more home dinners b. More family time as most of the time all are at home c. More communication. Just looking at the reasons, people will feel the family bond will get stronger. However, the dynamics in today's world is different.
Everyone has a high expectation for themselves. This leads to them imposing this expectations on others as well, especially those that you are close with. Not that you are demanding, but you want them to have the best, by being their best.
In fact, those increased in family time may backfire, which leads me to the second outcome.
2. For the Worse:
Increased family time, if in the wrong settings, will lead to more quarrels and arguments. Because of the prolonged period seeing each other, one will begin to nit-pick on the nitty gritty issues.
This might be the fact for everything. If you have something for a long period of time, you will feel that it is natural that you have it. Same goes for Love relationships. Sometimes it would not be ideal to see your partner everyday. Yes, if you are married in the future, you will definitely see each other. However, it is on a different scale. If you are still in a relationship, i believe that everyone still wants to have their personal space and freedom. I will try not to interfere, and i hope so otherwise. It's because of the little time you have together will you further cherish the relationship you have.
This is not off the point of the Mid-Life Crisis issue. This might be one of the outcome where you see each other more than often (Almost the entire day since one or both are jobless). And i can really imagine how difficult it is to get a job when you are more than 50yrs old. Even now, it is already very tough for myself to get a decent job. Many graduates are struggling with foreign talents, where having a MASTERS will at least earn yourself a few more seconds from the employer reading your resume. A degree would just be in a pile of the remaining applicants that are "On Hold". So imagine a 50 yr old, with no paper qualifications in the new field of work he/she may be intending to switch to, cope with the job, if he/she even manages to get it?
That is why i admire people who has the courage to do a Mid-Life Career switch, be it under dire circumstances, or because of the boredom of continuing something you did for the past few decades. Of course, a bonus will be you making it big after the switch, which is possible.
The taiwanese male, in his 40+, made a career switch from a paid worker to being his own boss of a small road side stall, selling 生煎包. He has since continued selling after 5 years, and is selling only one flavour till today. He is happy with his job, his wife is supportive and helped him with the job, and both of them are happy when their customers are happy eating their product. Such is joy where no monetary value is measurable.
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